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Therapy is a form of treatment aimed at relieving emotional distress and mental health problems. Provided by any of a variety of trained professionals—psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, or licensed counselors—it involves examining and gaining insight into life choices and difficulties faced by individuals, couples, or families.

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Acupressure is an ancient alternative medical system, which is based on the principal of energy ( prana ) flow.it is relief pain instantly. This therapy is carried out by regulating the meridian points present in the body itself.

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Yagya therapy was a special medical system of the Vedic period, which we had forgotten.  At present, due to scientific research, this therapy is becoming very popular.  In this therapy, according to the disease, havan samagri is prepared with a mixture of Ayurvedic herbs, which fights diseases by going into the body in the form of prana.

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It is an ancient medical system of India.  It is completely based on nature, which does not have any side effects. Naturopathy detoxes the body.  Along with reducing weight, it has also proved effective in curing many chronic diseases.

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Yoga for Special child

Sarvang Yog Arogya offer yoga for children with special needs. This is the complete package of yoga poses, breathing exercises, relaxation techniques and mindfulness activities. Yoga increases cognitive and motor skills in children with learning and developmental disabilities.

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Therapeutic Yoga

In Yoga therapy we try to treat the cause behind a disease. Yoga therapy is entirely different from the publicized form of being shown in television or group yoga in parks. It depends on a disease and its stage of a particular patient.

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Pre Natal Yoga

 Pre - natal Yoga is specially designed to streamline the physical and mental condition of the mother and for better health of the unborn baby. Pre-natal yoga is different from normal yoga. It is especially designed for pregnant women and helps them preparing for the birth and their upcoming role afterwards. Pre natal yoga practice include various yoga poses tailored for the mothers and the poses gradually changes according to the stages of pregnancy. These classes are often physically challenging and also emotionally supportive.

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